Friday, February 08, 2008

return to philly, cont.

Now, back to that post I started...

When I was 16, I moved to Philly to stay with my Aunt D and Uncle L. My life changed. First of all, these people were the first adults who said I could call them by their first names and drop the formal Aunt/Uncle. Wowza! (I know, I was sheltered) I was also introduced to independence, equality, performing arts, and Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches (Yum!). In turn, I became a whole new person. I developed a personality and confidence, where before I was a follower and adapter. I learned that I was someone worth knowing. I was the happiest I could ever be.

But then I came back to Florida. Ok, yeah, Florida is great! For vacations. And retired people. For young adults who need to have fun and learn and broaden their horizons, not so much. Almost every girl I know in this area (that is around my age) falls under one of 3 categories.

1. Married or engaged to a Marine/Naval Officer/etc
2. Pregnant
3. In a Nursing Program

I, however have no desire to be married, pregnant or a nurse.

So... when the opportunity arose to move back to Philly, I JUMPED,

Philadelphia has soooo much more than my little hometown. It is such a diverse and freethinking city. It is someplace I can see myself living forever... and be happy about it! I really cannot wait to return.

And this golden opportunity has been given to me by no other than the magnificient Pann. My delightful ly demiurgic (just learned that word... forgive me if misused!) cousin-in-law. She has offered me a room in her home and I in return shall take care of her youngest daughter while she begins a new job. I feel so priveleged to be apart of this family- I really adore them all!

1 comment:

Pann said...

Can't wait to have ya!

Wow am I impressed... you used a word I don't know. I looked it up, and now I'm flattered as well. I'm happy to be demiurgic.

Pack or purge your stuff and welcome back to philly... you are definitely someone worth knowing.